Pure & Simple Planning
Make Estimating Agile Projects Accurate & Fun
Estimate Like An Expert
Sprint Plan Effortlessly
Play Online Anywhere
PlanIT Poker is the fun way for teams to accurately estimate Agile projects

How it works

Image showing how to create a room in PlanITPoker

Create a room

Creating estimation sessions using PlanITPoker is simple. Start a quick play - no signup is required, choose a deck of cards, and customize the room settings to your preference. You can also register for a free account to secure your rooms.

Invite others to collaborate

Collaboration is key to productive and accurate estimation sessions. PlanITPoker makes it easy to invite teammates by sharing your room URL. People can join quickly without signing up, or create a free account to start playing.

Image showing how to invite players to a room in PlanITPoker
Image showing how to create a story in PlanITPoker

Add stories to your room

To start estimating, add stories manually or import them via Jira XML or CSV files. Easily reorder stories, view voting statistics, retry past stories for new estimates, and much more!

Vote on stories

Voting is easy thanks to our simple, user-friendly interface. Players can access all estimate options, putting the differences between each card into scale. After voting, your team can discuss and reach a consensus by analyzing all estimates using our graphs and distribution features.

Image showing how to vote on a story in PlanITPoker
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